Growing up in the Philippines from a large family, I never really was that much of a cook. To tell you the truth, my cooking expertise has come from years of trial and error, advice from family, and watching numerous cooking-type shows on the TV. Nowadays, I will even Google or Youtube a dish just for the basics.
My cooking adventure actually started as soon as I got my first genuine compliment. I was so overjoyed that something I personally created made someone feel good inside. That motivated me to learn how to make more and more different types of dishes. And the bases of my cooking knowledge is mostly in Filipino Foods.
I have had many friends asking about the good and tasty foods that were presented during celebratory occasions (like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc.) throughout the years. Questions like, “Did you really cook this?” and “What ingredients did you use to make this?” always seem to come up. 😊 So, I’ve decided that it would be a great idea to share my love and knowledge for cooking Filipino Foods by making this website.
There really isn’t a magic ingredient to make my cooking taste good. They say it’s because of the passion and commitment that is put into each dish that always makes my cooking consistent and tasting great. I hope that by laying out my numerous dishes, it will instill some knowledge and also pique your interest in learning what it takes to cook these dishes for you and your families at home also.
Keep in touch, as I will be updating the the dishes to include all the ingredients used and processes on how to make each showcased dish. Another section will also be added about the kinds of “kitchenware” I personally have and used to make these delicious Filipino Foods here at home. But for now, “Welcome Po to Lovelymileskitchen and thanks for coming by Friends.”
~ Emily